Head Trauma
Finished on: Nov 22, 2024
  • doomcute!
  • amazing use of textures and sectors, I’ve never seen Doom levels that look like this.
  • great secrets, I never care about finding secrets in maps but here they’re just hidden enough to make you feel smart to find but not too secret that you won’t find them.
  • map01: jumping into the movie screen, feels like the whole premise of Ashtral Fiend coming from an arty/movie background (?) and creating Doom maps from that frame of reference…
  • map02: amazing use of the Doom tools in creative ways to sell the fantasy of the space that’s being presented here, including extensive use of doomcute
  • I need to take a look how these items are being put on conveyor belts (choosing between getting the rocket launcher or plasma gun and grabbing it off the conveyor is so cool)
  • blue key on the belt… wtf, how?
  • very cool teleporter that teleports you into a different (hellish) version of the location you’re in, very cool.
  • inspired by mouldy’s work (Going Down) or coming from a similar creative place
  • enemy counts feel super low after playing Rush (Slaughter for babies)
  • a runner up to the 2023 cacoawards, makes sense, this is amazing
  • map03:
    • doomcute bathroom stall start, wild
    • cooking with gas now boyz
  • map04: “feeling sick feet under” direct reference to mouldy?
  • a lot of random chaingunners, gives off plutonia vibes (I think that’s the one?)
  • great lighting, especially completely black sectors making enemies look like shadow puppets in front of animated blood / fireblu