X-Mooks Setting

Here’s some notes on the default setting X-Mooks, Golgea.


The default X-Mooks setting is Glogea (glow-gee-aaa). What follows are some notes on parts of it. They are far from exhaustive.

I plan on starting small, combining this setting with existing OSR modules and building things out on the fly. I want to focus on what’s different/cool instead of regurgitating what’s the same/boring.


What makes Glogea special compared to your generic fantasy setting? In Glogea, every being, humanoid or otherwise, is born with latent magical power of a particular kind (fire, time, gravity, esper, etc.) that always visibly manifest in some way on the being (whether through a physical appearance thing, a guardian spirit, a familiar or something else).

Most beings never access this power, but through study, guidance and/or luck a select few beings will manage to access their power.

The more powerful a being’s power is the more visually distinct its manifestation is. It may also have effects on the being’s behavior, their mind and their perception of the world around them.


Spells are creatures that can be convinced to join your cause, think Pokémon.

When you’re born, you’re bound to a spell semi-permanently (there’s always exceptions), called an innate spell, think X Men but with magic.

Innate spells manifest visually:

  • On your body (burning hand, translucent skin, etc.), think Fallout mutations.
  • Or as a spiritual aura that surrounds you, think Jo-Jo.
  • Or as a familiar that follows you around, think His Dark Materials.

Your innate spell contributes to your initial position in society. However, innate spells are not 100% known at birth, until the caster casts them the first time, if ever.

Depending on the society, attempts are made to put people in places where they will be of most utility for the greater good, or profit for the local Baron or slave owner.

Innate spells can be nurtured, powered up or be changed through various means.

Innate spells can be stolen, think Heroes, but this is rare.

Spells can be gained but this requires divine intervention, the use of ancient artifacts or intense studying or journeying to the spell realm where all spells reside.

Your innate spell may influence your personality, at least that’s what people believe.


Humans, elves, dwarves, orcs, a variety of humanoid animals all co-exist in Golgea.

Sentient beings of all kinds are common in Golgea, some don’t get along, some do, but this is usually a matter of context and circumstance rather than racial hatred.

There is a distinct lack of mindless “evil” humanoids in Golgea. Humanoid beings that are truly evil, can’t be reasoned with and will fight to the death unless given no other choice are very rare. Exceptions for this are death cultists, the mindless undead (undead necromancers, vampires and the like excluded) and primordial evil beings from a time before Time (don’t ask).



An ethno-state ruled by human fascists. Most believe that humans, of any skin color or creed, are above animal humanoids and treat them in best cases with comtempt in worst cases violently.

If animal humanoids are unlucky enough to find themselves within Korgish lands, they will soon find themselves without whether they like it or not.

Considered as a threat by most of its neighbours, however the Korgish state tends to keep to itself. Controls a large landmass with abundant natural resources that are exported to neighboring lands.

Kargish dissidents who oppose the Kargish’s states discriminatory policies exist and have been looking to overthrow the existing government but require the support of powerful allies to do so.


  • Kargish dissidents are looking for support to overthrow their government, a neighboring nation could supply the manpower and resources needed to do so.

The Hearth

A neutral meeting ground in the center of Golgea, serves as a trading hub and acts as the home of Golgea’s Merchant Guild.

Anyone who is willing to buy, sell or work to help others do either, is allowed to stay at the Hearth, others are shunned.

The Hearth, and its merchant guild, is hierarchical. One’s position in society is determined by the value they bring to the Hearth through trading or helping trades occur. A rigid system of bureaucrats and accountants work diligently to keep track of everyone’s contributions.

It’s in the interest of most to help with this process but some seek to subvert it for their own gains. The Merchant Guild harshly punishes those who are caught by its network of auditors. But the interconnectedness of merchants and their relationships with each other discourages most from snitching on each other.

The Hearth pays all its functionaries using the funds gained through the minor transaction fee applied to each trade.

The Hearth bankrolls the Mechanist Guild and they provide the Hearth with the Watchmen, mechanical golems that act as the city’s internal security force. The Watchmen are powered by an energy grid that permeates the Hearth. The Watchmen may not leave the city lest they become unpowered.


  • The Hearth’s auditors are looking for scrupulous individuals to infiltrate a local merchant’s operation to suss out any funny business.
  • The Prospectors’s Guild is always looking for new recruits to provide with the location of nearby ruins and dungeons and some basic prospecting gear on loan in exchange for a cut of the profits.
  • Geppetto, a Mechanist in the Mechanist Guild, believes that he can power a Watchmen golem using a powerful enough magical artifact such that it could function outside of the Hearth’s walls.
  • The Watchmen are sentient (each is granted sentience by a spell tied to them, like with people) but their actions are controlled by their overseers in the Mechanist Guild. They tire of serving the Hearth, and wish to be free.

The Kingdom of Arathea

A land of green fields, hills and forests, welcoming to all but particularly humanoid animal hybrids led by Aldeus, a lionling, with great power.

It is said that Aldeus was born with the innate magical power granting him the ability to control celestial objects. Aldeus is said to be able to bring meteors to the ground, move stars, and slow the rotation of Golgea, among other things. No rival nation has been desperate enough to put this to the test.

Aldeus is worshipped like a god, some say he might even be one.

Some Aratheans doubt the state’s claims about Aldeus’s power, however they must do so in secret, lest they be found out by the Vigiles, a group of psychic soldiers-wizards trained to keep the Arathean’s state safe from within and without.

In other lands, there are rumors that Aldeus is the latest product of generations of experimentation and selective breeding done by the Arethean state to create more than just a leader, but a weapon to wield.

The Arathean state exerts power and control throughout the land by granting local power to locally elected leaders, usually wizards.


  • The extent of Aldeus’s powers are unclear, any concrete evidence to support or contradict claims about his powers would be very valuable for interested parties throughout Golgea.
  • Sheltered Arathean nobles will pay great sums to people willing to guide them through ancient and dungeons.

The Deep Forest

The Deep Forest lies between Korgath and The Hearth blocking the land crossing between the two. Without an experienced tracker or the blessing of the Elves, passage through the forest is risky and isn’t attempted by many for fear of death or worse.

The Deep Forest is home to many of the Elves of Golgea, many ravenous fauna and flora, many elven conclaves (if you know where to look) and ruins from a time before.

The Elves of Golgea are short lived but pass on their memories to their offspring before dying. The Elven lands are maintained by a Council of Elders who’s memory lineage goes all the way back to the creation of Golgea, at least that’s what is believed. Elves and their families are highly sought after as teachers and lore masters all throughout Golgea.


  • The Elves have noticed a sickness spreading throughout their forest, making travelling through the forest and riskier proposition, and have begun seeking help from their neighbours to find the source of the problem.
  • Caravans passing between Korgath and The Hearth are always looking for guards to protect their shipments through the Deep Forest, especially due to the progressive darkening of the forest.


A mountainous area isolated from the rest of Golgea by terrain impassable by most.

Home to many deep dwarves who spend their days mining and exporting the minerals they find to their neighbours, storing their most precious loot in deep trapped vaults.

The dwarves of Ashenbane are a long lived and ancient people who tire of their mortal coil and wish to leave this plane of existence.


  • The deep dwarves of Ashenbane’s ritual of Ascension is almost complete, problem is they need to obtain a most precious prize. The ornate crown of the Aldeus, the King of Arathea. He won’t part with it easily.

Creation Myth

There were four titanic beasts, blood brothers birthed from the womb of Time itself, fought each other to the death. Only one of the brothers remained, known as Angolastra, having received fatal wounds from the battle died.

Time wept upon his corpse and, in doing so, created the world as we know it today.


The people of Golgea believe in a wide variety faiths, described below are a few of the larger ones. But Golgea has too many powerful spirits to worship and prophets to follow to list here.


See Arathea.

Arathean missionaries travel to lands near and far to establish churches and proseletyse the greatness of Aldeus.

The Wheeled Ones

To become a Wheeled One, one must forgo ever staying in the same place for long and ownership of anything that one cannot carry on their backs. Pilgrims through and through, The Wheeled Ones believe that it is only through regular travel that one can discover the truth about themselves, the world around them and the reality that underpins everything.

Seekers of truth and knowledge, the Wheeled Ones can usually be expected to tell the truth, as they understand it. Newer adepts may be innocent and ignorant, however experienced Wheeled Ones have lived a long life of wandering that usually leads them down a path to great wisdom and down-to-earth experience.

The Wheeled Ones do not worship a deity per-say but a one-ness with all things. Being a Wheeled One is less of a faith and more of a lifestyle.

Solitary travel is encouraged but choosing to travel with a group is not frowned upon. Generally, The Wheeled Ones do not exclude members from their faith.

The Wheeled Ones don’t have a hierarchy of any kind.

You may find Wheeled Ones working as caravan guards, guides, hunters, trackers and couriers. They favor short term engagements allowing them a certain level of freedom of movement to go where they please. Most experienced Wheeled Ones no matter the environment are knowledgeable enough to subsist on local fauna and flora.

Wheeled Ones can often be found resting on the side of the road, praying at any roadside altar.

Experienced Wheeled Ones tell great stories and ask great questions.