F3AR Review 👎
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(1min read)

F3AR is a horror themed FPS that I played as a cooperative experience with a friend. Its core gameplay of shooting bad dudes is quite dated, combining that with its hard to follow and impossible to care about storyline told through very video gamey cinematics results in an experience that leaves much to be desired.

One of its only redeeming factors are the asymmetric characters that you play as in coop: one is a classic FPS protagonist that can slow down time and the other is a classic evil dude who can force choke people and take control of their bodies temporarily. This sometimes results in interesting coop tactics based on each characters abilities that can be used to get through tougher sections of the game by working in unison with your partner.

I wouldn’t recommend this game to many people, but if you’re craving for a dated action heavy light horror FPS that can be experienced with a friend then F3AR might satisfy your urge.