Total War Warhammer 2 Review 👍
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In Total War Warhammer 2, you lead one faction among belonging to a race in the Warhammer universe (in this game, including Dark Elves, High Elves, Skaven, Lizardmen and possibly Tomb Kings) in a quest to seize control of the Great Vortex, a swirling pool of excess magic coming from the Real of Chaos.

Total War Warhammer 2 is the second entry in the Total War franchise of real time with pause strategy and tactics games taking place in the Warhammer universe.


  • Fixes a fundamental flaw with with most Total War games, specifically that campaigns never end, this is fixed by having continuously increasing stakes over the course of a campaign and a time limit gated by the progress of each race toward control over the Great Vortex.
  • Magical spells and Warhammer’s wide range of races and other creatures adds much needed spice to the regular Total War formula.
  • Five different races to play with who are quite different from one another in both the strategic and tactical layers.
  • Tutorial is amazing for newcomers to the series; it can be played with any race and acts as a seamless introduction to a real campaign.
  • Amazingly crafted cinematics that put you in the mood and sells the fantasy perfectly.
  • Beautiful visuals.


  • Doesn’t seem to be as well supported as the first game in terms of additional content and races; even though you can play with races from the first game, you can only do so in the "Mortal Empires" campaign which is a Total War paint-the-map style campaign which I personally can’t go back to after experiencing the improved Total War Warhammer 2 "Eye of the Vortex" campaign.
If you’re interested in good Total War games, if you are a fan of the Warhammer universe or a fan of the first game then you will most likely enjoy Total War Warhammer 2.