DnD Sidekick
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I developed DnD Sidekick the end of 2012.

It was a personal milestone because it was the first fleshed out application that I built from the ground up, it was used extensively by other people and I was paid for my work.

DnD Sidekick …

– Simplifies the process of character creation for the player. – Allows players to roll any number and any combination of dice. – Contains Spell and Feat dictionaries for quick searches. – Helps players calculate the XP they need to level up. – Allows the DM to generate Quests, Loot, NPCs and Traps on the fly. – Contains a Combat Manager to help the DM manage combat encounters – And much more!

It’s meant to be useful at the table with friends or before you meet when creating your character or adventure.

NB: I developed the app within the context of a Microsoft sponsored event (the name of the event is lost to time) which rewarded developers with an external hard drive for developing and publishing two apps on Windows Phone (the other app was DNA Toolkit). I still use that hard drive to this day!