Victor and his robot companions live an isolated life in the forest with the Victor’s father Gio. Victor regularly ventures forth into the nearby scrapyards to salvage parts despite Gio telling him not to.
One day, Victor discovers something that changes the course of his life forever. Hijinks ensue.
[…] (I rarely make revisions once I have written).
p. 216
No shit girl, we can tell.
This story is about an autistic woman who remembers and describes being born, she goes through some shit (homelessness and stripping, etc.), discovers a passion for gorillas and leverages her understanding of gorillas to help her understand other people.
What I Mean When I Say I’m Autistic is more of a personal diary made public rather than a memoir or a primer on Autism and suffers for it. I’m not sure it’s something in-between either, I don’t really know what it is. It’s OK, I guess?
“You’re not alone. I hear you. I see you. You’re a valid person. Autism is an intrinsic part of you and that’s not something to ever be ashamed of.
Lola, 27, England
Thanks Lola, it means a lot.
Cassandra in Reverse is a novel about a woman in her early 30s with a fascination for Greek mythology who has just been dumped by her boyfriend of 4 months and fired from her job in PR.
In that moment, something snaps and she gains the ability to go back in time. She becomes like her namesake from myth who could see into the future but was cursed to never be believed.