FIST: Ultra Edition
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Finished on: Jul 22, 2024
ibsn13: 9798218255299

Metal Gear / A-Team inspired tabletop RPG. Seems like this would be great for one-shots (or potentially longer campaigns) with people with any level of experience in roleplaying because the rules are so simple yet exciting.

Reading through these rules reminded me of two campaigns I participated in.

One campaign set in the Mage: The Ascension setting (sort of, it’s complicated, but in our case a setting in which all conspiracies are real and your beliefs alter reality such that they become true, the stronger your beliefs and the more widespread they are the more true and omnipresent they become) where we played a crew of believers of different kinds (a self-help guru, a ghost detective and a The Matrix fanboy) and we unraveled a mystery revolving around a rogue AI (Roko’s basilisk) that was trying to take over the world (we nuked it from orbit and travelled the galaxy spreading the power of positive thinking throughout… I think? It’s been a while).

Another campaign was inspired by Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure where the player characters were all Stand users as well as Cold War-era A-team-esque special forces operatives tasked with infiltrating an evil villain’s volcano base and taking it off the map (we nuked it from orbit, are you sensing a pattern here?).

In these two campaigns we used a homebrewed version of the Savage World rules, but the FIST rules seem perfectly designed to play these sorts of cooky slightly superpowered characters in modern-ish settings undercovering global conspiracies and fighting the good (probably not so good if we’re being honest, but we’re not) fight through violence, subterfuge, theft, cheating and misdirection.

Reading the FIST rules has gotten me so excited to hop back into this kind of setting, I think I’ll be working on a one-shot that I can run ASAP.