The Incal
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Finished on: Aug 14, 2024
ibsn13: 9781643377803

Drawn by French artist Moebius and written by Jodorowsky himself, every page of the Incal is an opportunity for the pair to blow you away with the prettiest art you’ll ever see and a humongous story told at a pace that’s unbelievably fast considering its scope.

Watching Jodorowsky’s Dune changed me. It’s a documentary about Alejandro Joderowsky’s famous, failed, attempt to adapt Frank Herbert’s Dune into a movie. The documentary brings to light a sort of crazed artistry that Jodorowsky seems to possess and is compelled to bring forth into the world. Ever since I’ve been curious to look into his work, I’m glad I finally did.

It seems like The Incal is where a lot of his unspent creative energy went into after his Dune adaptation failed to materialize.

I think the world is better for it. THIS COMIC IS SO GOOD.

There’s a lot to love in the Incal but what’s blown me away more than anything is how big the scope of the comic is combined with how committed it is to delivering a truly epic tale as efficiently and as quickly as possible.

I’m convinced that with the Incal Jodorowsky and Moebius’s shared goal was to blow the reader’s mind with every single panel, and failing to do that with every single page.

The journey of John Difool is fast. There’s no time wasting, because there’s no time to waste. John Difool is being pushed and pulled around by the titular Incal, a powerful object who’s purpose is gradually revealed throughout the text, into contact with characters that are as big, metaphorically, as you can imagine and into scenes that are at their best life changing and at their worst extremely exciting.

All the while the universe John Difool exists in is imploding in on itself as galactic empires fight for control of the universe, the underclass riot in an attempt to overthrow aristocrats, the technopope and his techno-techno followers build a gigantic black egg that is more than a little ominous… I could go on.

It’s fucking insanity. How can someone read the Incal and not spend their entire life telling everyone they know, maybe everyone full stop, to read it.

It’s like a real the King in Yellow kind of situation, or at least it should be.