The Night Trilogy
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Finished on: Mar 1, 2022
ibsn13: 9780809073641

Elie Wiesel’s Night is a retelling of what happened to him during World War 2; in a Nazi death camp, he witnesses the death of his family, the death of his innocence and the death of his God. Night shows you evil at its peak and convinces you that this horror must never be allowed to happen again.

If more people read Night, there would be fewer fascists in the world.

It’s a powerful book that’s very hard to forget. I experienced the tiniest fraction of the Holocaust vicariously through Elie Wiesel’s account of what happened to him during World War 2, and even trying to remember how I felt when I read Night leaves me physically shook and deeply sad.

It’s not an easy read but now more than ever you have an obligation to read it to make it clear to you what happens when the fascists take over.

I haven’t read the other two novels in this collection but I should.