Maybe Next Time
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Finished on: Mar 16, 2024
ibsn13: 9780063239920

This was the first romance novel I’ve read. Sometimes you have to unleash your inner mom and read a book by a mom for moms.

I’m about as far from a mom as you can get but despite that, Cesca Major pulled me in with her writing in a way that I wasn’t expecting.

The time loop conceit combined with the story being told interspersed with the love letters sent from the husband to his wife (the main character) over the course of their relationship as well as the text messages flooding the her phone was great.

Cesca Major is clearly a master at her craft and I might be willing to read more of her work and work like it.

If I would have one complaint, it would be that certain characters feel paper thin. I’m thinking specifically of the right wing anti work popular but waning author. It felt a little gauche, like a moustache twirling villain.