GOTY List 2023
(3min read)

    I’m a little late to the party, posting my 2023 GOTY list in July 2024 but… Better late than never.

    Mosa Lina

    Indie puzzle platformer roguelite that packs a lot of punch, is challenging, fun and replayable.

    Jagged Alliance 3

    A worthy modernized successor to the old Jagged Alliance games.

    Great strategic and tactical gameplay that provides fun challenges that can be solved in a variety of ways for dozens of hours.

    I played through the game twice and I can see myself coming back to it with different mercenaries.


    I played through all of the missions which I’ve never done before. I played a ton of the new roguelite mode.

    Hitman (2016) is the gift that keeps on giving.

    Fear and Hunger 1 and 2

    An experience like no other. It’s hard to recommend an extremely weird run-based (?) Finish RPG maker game with a ton of extreme gore, violence and heinous content.

    BUT I had an interesting time with the Fear and Hunger series. If you’re curious, I recommend starting with the second game and if you’re really into it, go back and play the first game.

    Madcap Mosaic

    A cool ASS roguelike deckbuilder where you don’t draw cards from your deck. At the start of every encounter, The cards are placed randomly in a grid and you walk over cards, revealing them and activating their effects.

    It’s weird and unique and I like that.

    Heavenly Bodies DLC

    Heavenly Bodies is a great physics movement/platforming game and this DLC is bigger and better Heavenly Bodies. What more can you ask for?

    Baldur’s Gate 3

    A good ass CRPG. I wasn’t as blown away by it as most were. The story makes a lot of concessions because of how interactive it is and my story wasn’t told very well and wasn’t too interesting even though I had a few interesting decisions I was able to make throughout.

    But the CRPG mechanics are solid and the combat encounters usually felt fun and well balanced. That’s REALLY hard to achieve in a CRPG and that’s what I’m most impressed by in Baldur’s Gate 3.


    Good ass single player fighting game. It looks good, it plays well, visually it’s stunning.

    The game sort of just ends in a really anticlimactic way, unless you go for the “real” ending, which might be intentional. Even if it is meant to convey the idea there’s nothing at the end of successfully executed revenge but a pile of corpses but it left me confused and questioning whether or not I had actually beaten the game (which isn’t good).

    Factorio (with a ton of mods)

    230 hours later, Factorio is still an amazing game. I’m eagerly awaiting the DLC.


    Trials Metroidvania game with amazing music, art, everything? Sign me up.

    I had such a deflating ending I felt like I either ran into some sort of bug but the journey was a joy.

    The End

    2023 was a good year for games.

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