ABCs #3
(1min read)
    This is a "ramble" blog post, it's sort of like a public journal with less structured and more experimental (read: bad) writing. Don't take it too seriously.

    chicken pot pie

    Alcohol, being crushed, dull every freedom

    Gobble hetero immaturity

    Juggle KKK, layman money night

    Obsession perverted, quest running stop

    Toppling ultimatum vampiress

    Win xenon, yodeling, zigzaggedness

    Alps, butt cool, dying ebb’n flow, guttural

    High-minded imagination, jester

    Kind laugh, movement, nagging, ovulation

    Pressure quacking, rocking silence, taken

    Underground venomous, woman, xanthic

    Yarovizations, zombifications

    All beta cucks, dick egress, fuckers got

    Hitting it, jerking kick, losers meeting

    No operation, perceived QAnon

    Rusty stick, testimonialed’up

    Vagrant wanted xerus, yesterday zoo

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