The GM reveals John’s tagline to players, setting the scene and giving a bit of context for the adventure John will be going on.
The PCs talk through and create their Voices’ skills (GM must approve all skills) using the following command:
/set skills skill1: Drinking excessive amounts of Pilk skill2: Making Pilk
/set skills skill1: Drinking excessive amounts of Pilk skill2: Making Pilk skill3: Quick Reflexes
Each PC must secretly send their obsessions to the GM for approval beforehand, some private back-and-forth may occur to make them just right).
/whisper secret: can I be obsessed about Pilk?
// GM responds verbally: "Yes"
When a PC’s three obsessions have been approved by the DM, the PC will use the command below to set their Level 1, 2 and 3 Obsessions.
/set obsessions obsession1: Drink Pilk obsession2: Get somebody else to drink Pilk obsession3: Drink Pilk made from fresh milk you've milked from a cow yourself
Play begins.
Use the following command to whisper secrets to the GM.
/whisper secret: I just achieved my obsession level 3, wake up you cunt
/view willpower
/roll willpower: 2
Tests for control occur when:
If a PC would like to bid more than 0 willpower in a test for control, they do so with the following command:
/set bid willpower: 1
The Voice with the highest bid takes control of John. If multiple Voices tie for the highest bid, then dice are rolled to see who becomes the active Voice.
The Voice who becomes active loses the amount of Willpower they bid. All others keep their bids.
You win by having the most points when no more voices have any willpower and a test for control occurs. You gain points by achieving as many of your obsessions as possible. Achieving a level 1 obsession rewards you 1 point, a level 2 obsession 2 points and a level 3 obsession 3 points.
An obsession can be completed at any time, whether or not your Voice is currently in control.
Whenever any Voice achieves an obsession, a test for control occurs. The GM should usually be aware of when this happens and start a test for control on their own but feel free to secretly nudge him if he forgets (there’s a lot of obsessions for him to keep track of).