Books by Moebius
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Jodorowsky and Moebius being horny on main and getting into some Freudian hijinks.

I’ve seen Moebius black and white art appreciated by some, and I can see why after reading Angel Claws.

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Whenever he [Moebius] finished a page, he would call me on the telephone. Driven by an irresistible curiosity, I would immediately get in my car to go see him. Every time I saw a new page, I swear on the life of my cat Kazan that I experienced a spiritual pleasure exceeding that of an orgasm. There before my eyes, I had the undeniable proof that comic book art was great art, just as respectable as the paintings hanging on the walls of museums.

— Alejandro Jodorowsky, July 29, 2011

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Drawn by French artist Moebius and written by Jodorowsky himself, every page of the Incal is an opportunity for the pair to blow you away with the prettiest art you’ll ever see and a humongous story told at a pace that’s unbelievably fast considering its scope.